Saturday, July 22, 2017 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate 30 min bake gorgonzola okara pastry portabella Recipes - Western reduced sodium shiokoji tomato paste Pootabera no piza pan / portabella pizza pastry A spin-off from a piroshki-style savory pastry creation. Replacement of all whole wheat flour with oat flour and butter with olive oil for t...
Thursday, July 20, 2017 1 very easy 30 min bento curry powder egg komatsuna okara Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium spinach stir-fry Okara tamago karee-aji to horenso, komatsuna no bataa-joyu itame / stir-fried spinach, komatsuna and egg with soybean pulp and curry, soy sauce butter flavor A variation of leafy greens stir-fry with egg and soybean pulp. Flavoring with a small amount of soy sauce alone is not strong enough for so...
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 10 min boil endomame make ahead Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium soak Endomame no hisui-bitashi / English peas marinated in light broth Fresh English peas go into this ohitashi . The peas are very softly flavored here, so they work great as a garnish or as an additional ingre...
Monday, July 3, 2017 10 min 120+ min (2+ hrs) 2 easy crab eggplant make ahead Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium saute soramame Nasu to soramame, kani no tosazu jure ae / eggplant, fava beans and crab in tosazu jelly dressing A chilled delight. The jelly dressing provides a cooling, shiny blanket over the mouthwatering combination of eggplant, fava beans and Dunge...