Friday, May 26, 2017 120+ min (2+ hrs) 2 easy akajiso anzu pickles Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shiso ume Umeboshi (anzuboshi) / pickled plums (pickled apricots) Salty and sour umeboshi pickled plums are the standard pickles that often sit in the center of plain steamed rice in bento or in the middle ...
Friday, November 25, 2016 2 easy 30 min boil egoma fish fishcake pan-fry Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shiso soy milk surimi tonyu Shinjo no shiso-hasami-yaki / fried fishcake in perilla leaves Shinjo or fluffy fishcakes sandwiched by perilla leaves are fried for a crispy outer crust and creamy inside texture. Both shiso perilla an...
Sunday, August 28, 2016 2 easy 60 min corn freezable Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium rice shiokoji shiso steam Tomorokoshi gohan / steamed rice with corn Sweet kernels of corn instantly make ordinary rice a summer dish. Julienned green shiso perilla leaves offer a nice counter punch, preventin...