Tuesday, May 16, 2017 2 easy 60 min fish grill hoshi-shiitake Ingredient preparation kurozu make ahead niboshi Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium saute sesame paste sesame seeds shoyukoji soy sauce tahini Gomadashi / fish sesame paste I first encountered the expression gomadashi on a website introducing regional udon specialties . It is a paste made of grilled fish, sesame...
Sunday, February 5, 2017 2 easy 30 min bento deep-fry fish green pepper make ahead marinade party Recipes - Japanese red pepper taka no tsume Nanbanzuke / deep-fried fish marinated in sweet and sour broth One of our standard dishes for get-togethers. This is on the mild end, as broth is prepared with rice vinegar and plenty of dashi , making i...
Friday, November 25, 2016 2 easy 30 min boil egoma fish fishcake pan-fry Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shiso soy milk surimi tonyu Shinjo no shiso-hasami-yaki / fried fishcake in perilla leaves Shinjo or fluffy fishcakes sandwiched by perilla leaves are fried for a crispy outer crust and creamy inside texture. Both shiso perilla an...