Sunday, January 15, 2017 2 easy 30 min carrot daikon enoki hakusai lemon moyashi nabe Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shiitake shirataki shungiku suigyoza tofu Suigyoza no chige-fu nabe / jjigae-style hotpot with shui jiao dumplings A spicy red hotpot for chilly days, very filling yet gentle on your stomach. Have lots of fresh lemon wedges ready -- they will work some am...
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 1 very easy 10 min bento green beans ingen Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium stir-fry tofu yuzukosho zucchini Tofu to zukkiini, ingen no yuzukosho-itame / stir-fried tofu, zucchini and green beans with yuzu citron green pepper paste This plain-looking tofu and vegetable dish welcomes you with the zesty punch of picante yuzukosho . A quick and easy side dish for your ever...
Friday, August 26, 2016 2 easy 60 min barley cherry tomatoes fish ginger grill kyuri myoga niboshi Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium rice sakekasu shiso steam tofu Hiyajiru / steamed barley rice with cold sesame-miso soup with cucumber and grilled fish Literally called "cold soup," this soupy rice dish is a quick meal for hot days in southern Japan's Miyazaki Prefecture. When ...
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2 easy 30 min natto Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium sake lees sakekasu tofu Nattojiru / miso soup with fermented soybeans A stew-like miso soup featuring natto . Natto 's distinctive aroma softens after simmering for some time, and this is a good introductor...