Thursday, July 20, 2017 1 very easy 30 min bento curry powder egg komatsuna okara Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium spinach stir-fry Okara tamago karee-aji to horenso, komatsuna no bataa-joyu itame / stir-fried spinach, komatsuna and egg with soybean pulp and curry, soy sauce butter flavor A variation of leafy greens stir-fry with egg and soybean pulp. Flavoring with a small amount of soy sauce alone is not strong enough for so...
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1 very easy 10 min bento cauliflower Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium stir-fry Karifurawaa no sujoyu-itame / stir-fried cauliflower in vinegar soy sauce A versatile stir-fried cauliflower dish that can be cooked and served in a number of ways. Steam briefly for a crunchy mood changer, or stea...
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 1 very easy 10 min bento green beans ingen Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium stir-fry tofu yuzukosho zucchini Tofu to zukkiini, ingen no yuzukosho-itame / stir-fried tofu, zucchini and green beans with yuzu citron green pepper paste This plain-looking tofu and vegetable dish welcomes you with the zesty punch of picante yuzukosho . A quick and easy side dish for your ever...
Monday, March 21, 2016 10 min 2 easy asparagus boil crab Recipes - Chinese reduced sodium saute shiokoji stir-fry Asupara no kani-ankake / asparagus with thickened crab sauce Another dish that appears at our table when asparagus season rolls around. The sweet note of juicy asparagus is a natural match with Dungene...