Monday, May 15, 2017 dinner Menu examples Dinner, May 13, 2017 My father's birthday marks the end of a rash of spring birthdays among our friends and family. Thinking of a warabi bracken dish he made...
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 Menu examples osechi Osechi New Year's Day meal, 2017 Finally, I was able to make a tasty reduced-sodium version of ozoni soup, ganmodoki to warabi no nimono tofu patties and bracken simmered i...
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 breakfast Menu examples reduced sodium Breakfast, August 17, 2016 Summer is finally here, and local corn has started to look appetizing. Weeks of chilly days up until mid August have already turned the gian...
Thursday, May 28, 2015 breakfast Menu examples Breakfast, May 21, 2015 Last week, Tom got off one of his three medications. His heart is pretty much functioning normally again (!) except for one condition that s...