Tuesday, May 16, 2017 2 easy 60 min fish grill hoshi-shiitake Ingredient preparation kurozu make ahead niboshi Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium saute sesame paste sesame seeds shoyukoji soy sauce tahini Gomadashi / fish sesame paste I first encountered the expression gomadashi on a website introducing regional udon specialties . It is a paste made of grilled fish, sesame...
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2 easy 30 min bento grill make ahead Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium seri shirataki simmer usuage Seriyaki / water dropwort with konnyaku noodles and thin deep-fried tofu Although the name literally means "roasted/grilled" seri , seri in this dish is usually blanched and mixed with other ingredients,...
Sunday, November 27, 2016 2 easy 30 min carrot chanterelle grill kabu mushrooms ponzujoyu Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shimeji Shimeji to shantoreru no momiji-oroshi-ae / grilled shimeji and chanterelle mushrooms dressed with citrus-flavored soy sauce, grated turnip and carrot A dish featuring the colors of autumn and mushrooms in season. Fresh and sweet kabu turnip and carrot are grated to create an orange blanket...
Monday, October 10, 2016 1 very easy 10 min eringi ginger grill Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shishito Shishito to eringi no amiyaki / grilled shishito peppers and king oyster mushrooms From the prep stage, the crackling sound and earthy aroma of mushrooms and green peppers on the grill become part of your meal. Grilled ingr...