Saturday, June 3, 2017 2 easy 60 min bake cauliflower freezable microwave mushrooms onions Recipes - Western reduced sodium saute Karifurawaa to masshuruumu no karee pan / curried cauliflower and mushroom pastry Great for breakfast and lunch! This savory pastry is intended to be eaten with other dishes, and only a moderate amount of spices are used t...
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1 very easy 10 min bento cauliflower Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium stir-fry Karifurawaa no sujoyu-itame / stir-fried cauliflower in vinegar soy sauce A versatile stir-fried cauliflower dish that can be cooked and served in a number of ways. Steam briefly for a crunchy mood changer, or stea...
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 2 easy 30 min cauliflower daikon Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium sakekasu satoimo seri simmer Karifurawaa to satoimo, daikon, seri no surinagashi / cauliflower, baby taro root and daikon radish white miso potage soup with water dropwort A soothing Japanese-style potage soup featuring in-season white vegetables. Seri 's soft bitterness and refreshing aroma provide a contr...
Monday, April 6, 2015 10 min 2 easy asparagus bento cauliflower ginger Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shiokoji simmer Karifurawaa to asupara no kuzuni / cauliflower and asparagus in thickened broth A gentle side dish for spring. Both vegetables are subtly sweet and cooked to be soft, yet the cauliflower crumbles in your mouth while the ...