Thursday, June 22, 2017 1 very easy 10 min 60 min braise make ahead Recipes - Chinese reduced sodium shami zucchini Zukkiini no shami-itameni / braized zucchini with dried shrimp Very aromatic and flavorful, shami dried shrimp instantly transform a simple saute. Soaking shami in water ahead of time as below ensures th...
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 1 very easy 10 min blanch Recipes - Chinese reduced sodium shami spinach Horenso no shami-ae / spinach with dried shrimp dressing A light spinach side dish with a Chinese twist. Make sure to soak shami -- little salted dried shrimp -- long enough in water to get maximum...
Monday, March 21, 2016 10 min 2 easy asparagus boil crab Recipes - Chinese reduced sodium saute shiokoji stir-fry Asupara no kani-ankake / asparagus with thickened crab sauce Another dish that appears at our table when asparagus season rolls around. The sweet note of juicy asparagus is a natural match with Dungene...