Wednesday, June 29, 2016 2 easy 30 min carrot endomame fuki green peas Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium scallops shiokoji simmer soy milk surimi tonyu Hotate-shinjo to endomame no surinagashi / green pea soup with fish and scallop dumplings Plump green peas in season make a cheerful chartreuse soup. While the soup is very pleasant by itself, fish and scallop dumplings broaden th...
Thursday, June 9, 2016 10 min 120+ min (2+ hrs) 2 easy coon shrimp fuki kinome make ahead marinate Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium sansho shrimp spot shrimp Fuki to ebi no ohitashi / Japanese butterbur and shrimp marinated in light broth Colorful coon shrimp (small spot shrimp), a local specialty, paired with fuki Japanese butterbur from our garden. Cooked coon shrimp we boug...
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 2 easy 30 min atsuage fuki make ahead Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium simmer Fuki to atsuage no nimono (genen) / Japanese butterbur and deep-fried tofu in light broth (reduced-sodium version) This is a reduced-sodium version of a past fuki and atsuage recipe . The original recipe already tasted soft and hit the spot for me, and I ...
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10 min 2 easy bento boil chirimen jako fuki fuki no ha make ahead Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium rice saute shirasu steam Fuki no ha to jako no mazegohan / steamed rice with Japanese butterbur leaves and dried young sardines A distinctive rice dish on the bitter end of the spectrum for adults (and kids who have acquired the taste). The bitterness in this rice dis...