Sunday, June 11, 2017 1 very easy 10 min bento eringi fresno pepper Recipes - Korean reduced sodium saute shimeji Eringi to shimeji no namuru / namul saute with king oyster and shimeji mushrooms A quick saute of mushrooms with sesame oil. Fresno pepper adds colorful contrast and soft crunch. Great as a filler in a bento box, too. 1/2...
Sunday, November 27, 2016 2 easy 30 min carrot chanterelle grill kabu mushrooms ponzujoyu Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shimeji Shimeji to shantoreru no momiji-oroshi-ae / grilled shimeji and chanterelle mushrooms dressed with citrus-flavored soy sauce, grated turnip and carrot A dish featuring the colors of autumn and mushrooms in season. Fresh and sweet kabu turnip and carrot are grated to create an orange blanket...
Friday, October 2, 2015 2 easy 60 min bento Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium rice shimeji shiozake steam Sake to shimeji no takikomi gohan / steamed rice with salmon and shimeji mushrooms As the weather cools and we enter the season of mushrooms and return of the salmon, takikomi gohan featuring seasonal ingredients really hi...
Friday, April 3, 2015 1 very easy 10 min enoki eringi ponzujoyu Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium salad saute shiitake shimeji stir-fry Kinoko no sotee sarada / salad with sauteed mushrooms and citrus soy sauce One of my typical baby leaf salads comes with sauteed mushrooms. Sauteed mushrooms work as a dressing, so cook them on lower heat to get the...
Saturday, September 22, 2012 2 easy 30 min chanterelle eringi fish marinate Recipes - Japanese salmon saute seafood shimeji Sake to kinoko no mushiyaki, shoyu-aji / steam-sauteed salmon and mushrooms, soy sauce flavor A quick steam saute of fall salmon and mushrooms in slightly sweet soy sauce. <Ingredients> 1-2 fillets salmon (230 g in photo) Large ...