Thursday, October 8, 2015 2 easy 30 min bento boil hijiki make ahead marinate party picnic Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium shoyukoji sweet peppers Papurika to hijiki no marine / marinated sweet pepper and hijiki seaweed Juicy, cheerful sweet pepper is quickly microwaved and marinated with boiled hijiki . The combination of apple cider vinegar and rice vinega...
Saturday, August 29, 2015 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate fish marinate party picnic potluck Recipes - Japanese rice salmon steam sushi Masuzushi / pressed salmon sushi wrapped with bamboo leaves A specialty of Toyama, my hometown prefecture, this pressed sushi with masu salmon is wrapped in bamboo leaves and comes in a magewappa rou...
Friday, October 5, 2012 1 very easy 10 min bento carrots make ahead picnic Recipes - Japanese simmer vegetables Ninjin no gomazuni / carrot simmered in vinegar soy sauce with sesame seeds Slightly sweetened vinegar highlights carrots’ soft sweetness. Make this dish ahead of time, as the full sweetness comes through after it co...