Tuesday, May 16, 2017 2 easy 60 min fish grill hoshi-shiitake Ingredient preparation kurozu make ahead niboshi Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium saute sesame paste sesame seeds shoyukoji soy sauce tahini Gomadashi / fish sesame paste I first encountered the expression gomadashi on a website introducing regional udon specialties . It is a paste made of grilled fish, sesame...
Monday, March 14, 2016 10 min 2 easy garlic ginger Ingredient preparation kurozu make ahead Recipes - Korean reduced sodium shiokoji shoyukoji Sundupu-yo yannyomu / yangnyeom seasoning mix for soondupu jjigae Korean soft tofu stew This seasoning mix lets you make tasty soondupu jjigae that is low in sodium! Whole recipe: 295 calories; 5.0 g protein; 19.8 g fat; 19.9 g ...