Thursday, June 22, 2017 1 very easy 10 min 60 min braise make ahead Recipes - Chinese reduced sodium shami zucchini Zukkiini no shami-itameni / braized zucchini with dried shrimp Very aromatic and flavorful, shami dried shrimp instantly transform a simple saute. Soaking shami in water ahead of time as below ensures th...
Monday, June 12, 2017 60 min bake feta cheese freezable microwave Recipes - Western reduced sodium saute snack zucchini Zukkini to tamago, feta chiizu no pan / zucchini, egg and feta cheese pastry This is another savory pastry we like. Sauteed zucchini is paired with fluffy fried or microwaved egg and feta cheese. Dill makes this combi...
Saturday, June 3, 2017 2 easy 60 min bake cauliflower freezable microwave mushrooms onions Recipes - Western reduced sodium saute Karifurawaa to masshuruumu no karee pan / curried cauliflower and mushroom pastry Great for breakfast and lunch! This savory pastry is intended to be eaten with other dishes, and only a moderate amount of spices are used t...
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 2 easy 60 min fish grill hoshi-shiitake Ingredient preparation kurozu make ahead niboshi Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium saute sesame paste sesame seeds shoyukoji soy sauce tahini Gomadashi / fish sesame paste I first encountered the expression gomadashi on a website introducing regional udon specialties . It is a paste made of grilled fish, sesame...