Saturday, June 11, 2016 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate bento grill kinome make ahead nori party potluck Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium sansho shiokoji steam Saba no oshizushi / pressed sushi with grilled mackerel A specialty sushi from the eastern part of Toyama Prefecture. This sushi appeared at gatherings of relatives at the house of my grandmother ...
Sunday, January 31, 2016 broccoli potluck salad savory Broccoli Slaw with Ramen Noodles - Perfect Potluck Salad Broccoli Slaw with Ramen Noodles Salad When that sign up sheet for the office potluck goes around, put "Broccoli Slaw with Ramen ...
Saturday, August 29, 2015 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate fish marinate party picnic potluck Recipes - Japanese rice salmon steam sushi Masuzushi / pressed salmon sushi wrapped with bamboo leaves A specialty of Toyama, my hometown prefecture, this pressed sushi with masu salmon is wrapped in bamboo leaves and comes in a magewappa rou...