Sunday, June 11, 2017 1 very easy 10 min bento eringi fresno pepper Recipes - Korean reduced sodium saute shimeji Eringi to shimeji no namuru / namul saute with king oyster and shimeji mushrooms A quick saute of mushrooms with sesame oil. Fresno pepper adds colorful contrast and soft crunch. Great as a filler in a bento box, too. 1/2...
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 2 easy 30 min 60 min dried shiitake eggs enoki eringi fresno pepper green onions hoshi-shiitake Recipes - Korean reduced sodium serrano pepper shiokoji simmer soup stew tofu Kinoko-iri sundupu / soondupu jjigae Korean soft tofu stew with mushrooms A tasty Korean soft tofu stew has made a comeback at our table! My now typical lineup of seasonings to reduce overall sodium -- shoyukoji so...