Saturday, July 22, 2017 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate 30 min bake gorgonzola okara pastry portabella Recipes - Western reduced sodium shiokoji tomato paste Pootabera no piza pan / portabella pizza pastry A spin-off from a piroshki-style savory pastry creation. Replacement of all whole wheat flour with oat flour and butter with olive oil for t...
Friday, February 10, 2017 3 moderate 60 min chili in oil cilantro eringi galangal kaffir lime leaves lemon grass lime nam prik pao Recipes - Thai/Southeast Asian shrimp tamarind Tomuyamukun / tom yum goong Here is the tom yum goong I longed for. I finally was able to make this simple soup that indeed reminds me of what I routinely had from a lo...
Saturday, June 11, 2016 120+ min (2+ hrs) 3 moderate bento grill kinome make ahead nori party potluck Recipes - Japanese reduced sodium sansho shiokoji steam Saba no oshizushi / pressed sushi with grilled mackerel A specialty sushi from the eastern part of Toyama Prefecture. This sushi appeared at gatherings of relatives at the house of my grandmother ...